The world around us is very dynamic. Technology and telecommunication is growing at a pace never imagined before. Theories and rules are constantly put to the test, and sometimes even rewritten. The young engineers that emerge must be adequately educated so as to add value. It is imperative that course contents be evaluated from such a point. Even though the University is responsible for syllabus updates, the College Management can be a proactive medium in recommendations. A ‘word’ picked form this book and another for that book hardly constitutes a syllabus. It must be very proper in identifying the area of study and the depth to which the students are expected to delve. The course duration must also be considered. Many topics, even if they are of importance, crammed together will hardly serve the purpose.
Engineering is a practical science rather than of the textbooks. Quite often some topics will appeal more to us; and so we would naturally like to explore further. The duration of the syllabus must be able to accommodate such activities. With a crammed syllabus, and an even more crammed semester, students seldom grow up to be Engineers who solve; rather they end up as Engineers who know.
If you notice the college has a capital C and so has the university. Hope you catch my drift;)
The culprit is not fully the university and their siblings like the syllabus they provide.
Professional education needs to be strictly productivity oriented. At college you produce a LED that can lightup a home in a village .. rather than earn marks at exams writing about what LEDs are.. Dont you feel that makes a difference and the way engineers can make lives better ?
Inspiration : Swadesh..we the people
Hi Deepak,
A very interesting article...An excellent thought.
What i think is... People get what they ask for. The system has been criticised for ages and yet nothing has come out of it. The silent compliance of the students is itself the greatest hinderance to change. No, i am not talking about having a protest in front of the university,but about awareness and interest from the student community as to what they expect out of the course they so eagerly take up. I have friends in kerala from 'Mech', 'elecrtrical', 'EC','Civil'etc and currently, all of them do the same s/w job . So, what exactly is the relevance of all those titles? (yes, i can understand the problem of opportunity. but still..) If this is the level of focus shown by students, why would the college take initiative for change? (Sorry if i sound sarcastic, just a thought after seeing all the Tom, Dick and Harry's of Kerala taking up Engineering, which once was a very reverred course, with the lightness of ...i dunno wat)
Hey...just out of curiosity, Have you asked the univesity for 'Change'?
Keep posting! These are really Good ones.
The "silent comliance" that'a very eloquent way of putting it. In the Shawshank Redemption, Morgan Freeman talks about being "institutionalised". Been living in a society for your life condtions your mind that way.. It takes a lot of courage and conviction to stand up for what you beleieve in. Perhaps I've conviniently overlooked this in the post;)
Regarding if I've asked for a change. The answer would be in shades of gray. Finally figured make best of what I get (which I did) How else could I become a techie??
Making the best of what was available... yes, certainly the right way to go in all circumstances.
Hey DJ, nice write up.
I have two perspective to this topic.
1. There is always a gap between what industry require and what a college provide as a grad at the end of an year.
2. If you look at an syllabus or questionpapers set for our engineering colleges, It finally drift down to two or three text book and a panel of teachers who are not-so-closly working with Industry.
Going ahead, space for individual creativity is a great idea, but it is aplace which can be exploited too much by the average ENGINEER student of our state ......
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